Application & Audits


  • An application must be sent through Vakinn' s website. Members of the Vakinn team are ready to answer questions and assist.
  • Three certifications bodies are partners of the Icelandic Tourist Board and they offer audits according to Vakinn critera.
  • Applicants must choose one of the certification bodies and then follow the process described below.
  • Further information and guidance on audit arrangements can be found by contacting the certification bodies.

The following certification bodies offer certification according to Vakinn criteria:

Initial Audit

  1. Applicants must complete the general quality criteria for accommodation with written explanations on how the criteria is fulfilled. In some cases certain documents must be attached.
  2. The auditor evaluates the documents as well as the company´s website.
  3. If the auditor approves the documents as satisfactory, the on-site visit is next.
  4. The purpose of this visit is to confirm that the company operates according to the applicable criteria and written documentation. Select general and specific quality criteria will be covered.
  5. Companies with satisfactory documents and on-site visit then receive the certification documents and are added to the list of certified companies on Vakinn´s website.
  6. Maintenance audits are performed annually. These can be either unprepared visits or the certified company will need to send in updated information.

The above process applies to all accommodation categories as well as to one and two star hotels. Three to five star hotels must however follow a different procedure where an on-site visit is more detailed.

 Examples of documents that are sent to a certification body:

  1. List of employees/names. Overview of education/training of staff.
  2. Quality manual/employee handbook.
  3. Safety plan for the accommodation.
  4. Specific quality criteria applicable to the accommodation category - Filled out with explanations.
  5. Completed checklist On the way to sustainable tourism.
  6. And more.

Please note that the applicant is responsible for the compilation and the content of the documents presented, including safety plans, and their implementation in the company operations.  

 Certified companies receive the following:

  • Vakinn certificate. 
  • Vakinn logos to be displayed on the company website and in promotional materials. 
  • Public recognition through news posts on the Icelandic Tourist Board's website, in its newsletter, and on social media channels.